Wednesday 15 May 2013

Into Darkness round up

Those Into Darkness trailers just keep coming! But before I get to the latest videos, check out this awesome fan poster for the film from artist Paul Shipper:

This is a follow up to Shipper's excellent poster for the previous film, and is also part of a series of Into Darkness posters from a variety of artists on Blurppy. Be sure to check them out, there are some great designs.

Now to the videos! The latest character profile focuses on Spock:

The latest clip from the film also has Spock in the spotlight (or indeed, the volcano):

The Are You The 1701 website also released a curious video, with clips from the film in the 1701 numbers. See that after the jump, as well the latest TV spots:

Here's the latest TV spot, nothing new in this one: Update: Here are the latest TV spots, some nice starship shots in the last couple:

And here's a slightly longer spot with a pop song over it:

PS. Find out everything you need to know about Star Trek Into Darkness and its tie-ins, on my Star Trek Into Darkness guide page.

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