Infinity's Prism:
A LESS PERFECT UNION by William Leisner: More than a hundred years after the Terra Prime movement achieved its dream of an isolationist Earth, humanity is once again at a fork in the river of history . . . and the path it follows may ultimately be determined by the voice of a single individual: the sole surviving crewmember of the first Starship Enterprise.
PLACES OF EXILE by Christopher L. Bennett: Midway through Voyager's journey across the galaxy, Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay must choose whether to brave a deadly war zone or abandon their quest for home. But an attack by Species 8472 cripples the ship, and the stranded crew must make new choices that will reshape their destinies . . . and that of the Delta Quadrant itself.
SEEDS OF DISSENT by James Swallow: Khan victorious! Almost four centuries after conquering their world, genetically enhanced humans dominate a ruthless interstellar empire. But the warship Defiance, under its augmented commander, Princeps Julian Bashir, makes a discovery that could shake the pillars of his proud civilization: an ancient sleeper ship from Earth named the Botany Bay.
Echoes and Refractions:
THE CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT by Geoff Trowbridge: In a continuum where Spock died during childhood, an Andorian named Thelin became Captain Kirk's stalwart friend and first officer. But at the moment of Khan's final defeat, history takes an even stranger turn, and the emerging potential of Project Genesis is revealed as the galaxy's greatest hope . . . and its most ominous threat.
A GUTTED WORLD by Keith R. A. DeCandido: Terrorist Kira Nerys-from a Bajor that was never liberated-may hold the key to winning a war that has engulfed half the galaxy. But with the Romulans and the Klingons at each other's throats, and the Federation pulled into the conflict, even victory may not bring salvation.
BRAVE NEW WORLD by Chris Roberson: Dr. Noonien Soong's dream has been realized: androids are now woven inextricably into the fabric of the Federation, revolutionizing Starfleet and transforming the quality of humanoid life. But when Soong's long-missing breakthrough creation, Data, mysteriously resurfaces, civilization reaches a crossroads that could lead to a bright new future, or to ruin.These Haunted Seas:
It is a time of renewed hope. As the U.S.S. Defiant sails through the wormhole and charts a new course of discovery into the unknown ocean of the Gamma Quadrant, powerful individuals from distant worlds gather at station Deep Space 9 to usher in a bright new era; with the Dominion War now only a memory, Bajor is poised at last to enter the Federation. For Colonel Kira Nerys, Commander Elias Vaughn, and all those who follow them, these are the voyages they were born to undertake.
But where they seek to go is defined by the journeys they have made before, and ghosts populate these uncharted waters-the spectres of lost leaders, fallen friends, forsaken lovers, vanquished enemies, and earlier selves. Some of these shades drive the travelers on, others are drawn inexorably into their wake; but all make their presence felt, and in feeling, the men and women of DS9 and the Defiant must somehow navigate the perilous rapids of their pasts in order to find the future.
Originally published as Twilight and This Gray Spirit-the first two novels in the critically acclaimed Mission: Gamma series- These Haunted Seas is the next chapter of the epic saga begun in Twist of Faith, continuing the chronicles of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine beyond the small screen, propelling its heroes to realms they could never have imagined, and truths they cannot escape.More news! Keith R.A. DeCandido, that busy fellow of many talents, has announced which alien he will be putting in the spotlight in his issue for the second series of IDW's Alien Spotlight *drum role* (because the title didn’t give it away): The Klingons, in a story titled "Four Thousand Throats..."
Update: KRAD has stated the story will not be an IKS Gorkon one. Further he has also reported on an interview with Andrew Steven Harris in the latest Star Trek Magazine (not available to me in the
On his own forums John Byrne has announced he is working on a number of new Star Trek projects for IDW. He has four new TOS era projects in the works, three of which have already been approved by CBS.
The first will be a sequel to his Alien Spotlight on the Romulans (which itself was a prequel to Balance of Terror and The Enterprise Incident). This project will begin with a two-parter, with more to follow. When another poster asked about Byrne doing an adoption of Balance of Terror Byrne responded by whistling (so perhaps a Romulans eye-view of the episode or some such variation me thinks)
One of the other projects is apparently a TOS prequel, set earlier than Captain April's captaincy.
See these posts: for Romulans II, and continuing Trek projects. Thanks to GustavoLeo on IDW's message boards for pointing out the Romulan story.
Kieth R.A. DeCandido has released (in another TrekBBS post) a larger colour version of the cover for Greater than the Sum - the next TNG novel, leading into the Destiny trilogy - (which was previously seen in pocket summer catalogue in black and white, and smaller version in colour on Amazon for a little while) which would seem to confirm this is the final cover for the book:
The image looks a lot like (identical as far as I can tell) an image from one of the Ships of the Line calendars. I wonder if the atmospheric flight is an accurate portrayal of a scene in the book...
More news from the comic con. This time care of Mr Christopher L. Bennett, in a post at the TrekBBS he reports that he spotted a poster advertising the company Graphic Imaging Technology (who have released several DVD collections of Marvel comics) will be releasing "a complete DVD collection of Star Trek comics" in October.
When he pestered the GIT people about this rather exciting sounding product they told him it "will contain the complete runs of "all four" publishers of Trek comics", which if one assumes WildStorm falls under DC will mean everything before IDW; Gold Key, Marvel, DC and
News is coming out of the New York Comic Con.; the first story coming from Keith R.A. Decandido, who has reported on his live-journal that he will be writing a follow up novel to this year's Destiny trilogy.
The book will be titled A Singular Destiny and will be out in February next year. KRAD promised more details when he can get to a computer, all else he said for now was "Voyager fans will be very happy next April"...
The eight disc set will include more of Billy Blackburn's on-set home-video and TAS's "More Tribble, More Troubles" and DS9's "Trials and Tribble-ations" as bonus features (to compliment the original "The Trouble with Tribbles" episode)
This is only a standard-definition DVD release though as the combo HD-DVD version of the set was cancelled when HD-DVD died. No news on any Bluray releases yet...
The first issue of this Romulan, Klingon, cloaking device and Preserver filled five-part continuation of the Year Four concept and sequel to "The Enteprise Incident" *breath* is on sale this week.
See DST's original release for the full write up, or check Toy New International's posting for another image of Sulu.
Presumably this means the cross promotion practice from the last two manga books will continue and one of the new manga stories will be published in the Myriad Universes anthology Infinity's Prism. Both books are due in July, and a short version of the same extract from Leisner's story will also be published in the next Star Trek Magazine.
Go forth and read it, here.
The inside cover also reveals IDW are apparently sticking with the smaller cover gallery format introduced in their first Second Stage title (Turnaround, Part I), and going for less covers, just two for this issue; the same artwork with or without cover text.
Check out CBR's article for the rest of the preview.
See the original post for that press release and a look at the final presentation of the Sharp Brothers’ cove for the issue.
And as this sees the final issue of the New Frontier series, if IDW intend to keep up their four issues a month scheme, that means there must be a new miniseries announcement in the not to distant future...
Amazon also has listings for two new collections, printed by IDW! The Complete Starfleet Library suggest this is the reason we've not had any new collections from Titan Books lately, it would seem IDW have got themselves the rights to reprint old Star Trek comics from Marvel and DC. They are doing so in a series called Star Trek Archives, with the first two volumes Best of Peter David, and Best of the Borg, due out in September and November.
Based on the credits given in the blurbs at the Starfleet Library, Best of Peter David will include the three part story The Return of the Worthy (previously reprinted by Titan a couple of years ago) and Retrospect (also previously reprinted, but by DC in the early 90s). Best of the Borg will probably be the DC four-parter The Worst of Both Worlds, and the Marvel one shot Operation: Assimilation. Which I think will mark the first reprinting of any of Marvels 1990s Trek comics.
What was newly confirmed, or at least hinted at, was that the novel would also tie into the Destiny trilogy in some fashion. The article also talked about the Romulan War story to follow, which was first mentioned as a three book trilogy, but apparently now might see itself printed in a single large volume (a single book, or three in one like the Mirror Universe books last year?). Exactly what format hasn't been decided yet waiting sales of Kobayashi Maru and news of any impact the new film might have on telling a Romulan War story, but the book(s) are still set for a 2009 release.
Read the full original article, here.
Proof: Here's a page
I intend to review the whole series after the final issue, but so far it's been doing well, and getting better issue on issue, so go forth and buy, tis well worth it.