Friday, 28 September 2007
The Man Trap

Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Prose updates from Voyages of Imagination

-Infinity's Prism, featuring novels by Christopher L. Bennett, William Leisner and James Swallow.
-Echoes and Refractions, featuring novels by Keith R.A. DeCandido, Chris Roberson and Geoff Trowbridge.
IDW September previews
The preview includes the final covers for the issues, including these new retail incentive covers:Year Four #3 is out next week, the Gorn issue on October 10.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
IDW December solicitations
Year Four Issue 6: As Kirk and the crew investigate the disappearance of the USS Pasteur, a trail of debris leads the USS Enterprise to an automated facility on a lifeless, desert planet in the Gobi system. A landing party finds robotic nannies caring for a computer-controlled nursery of alien babies—which Dr. McCoy's analysis proves to be the final survivors of the planet's dead civilization. But when an ensign disappears, and clues of the Pasteur's fate uncover the facility's startling secret, the computer reveals it maternal instincts—using its awesome power to defend its children—endangering the
Alien Spotlight: Orions:
“The female of the species is deadlier than the male"—a statement that was never more true than in the case of the Orion Animal Women, infamous from the very first episode of STAR TREK, "The Cage"! It's a fact Fleet Captain Christopher Pike will soon discover, as he's caught up in a web of intergalactic criminal intrigue. Can Pike trust the beautiful Orion slave girl—and can he trust himself around her?
The final Year Four doesn't sound hugely exciting to me, but Orions and Chris Pike, written by the Tiptons, that's something to look forward too!
Terok Nor cover art

Thursday, 13 September 2007
More from the Galileo Seven
Trekmovie have three different images to add in their article on the episode:

And ain't it cool news have another two in their preview:

Alien Spotlight covers

Wednesday, 12 September 2007
The Sky's The Limit previews

You can find James Swallow's "Ordinary Days" here, at StarTrek.com
And Michael Schuster and Steve Mollmann's "Meet With Triumph and Disaster" here, at Simonsays.com
IDW bits

See the rest here. From the content of this preview, I'm thinking this is a prequel to the episode "Balance of Terror".
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
The Galileo Seven remastered

Thursday, 6 September 2007
Blood Will Tell #5 & Year Four #2 review
This week saw two new comics from IDW, the final part of the excellent Blood Will Tell series and part two of Year Four. I'm very pleased to say I loved both of them!
The final issue of Blood Will Tell was a fabulous end to a wonderful series. A most satisfying conclusion to the story of Kahnrah and K'ahlynn, superbly woven into the story of The Undiscovered Country. And a really cool levitating train to boot! Bring on more Tiptons I say! Mr Tischman is really starting to shine in Year Four, it still suffers from the "Star Trek: Lite" problem, but the story all made sense, didn't jump all over the place and made a most excellent parallel to the current US/Iraq/oil/insurgency situations. As the last issue sort of dealt with genetic engineering and there's one coming up about reality TV I'm getting the feeling IDW are really going for the TOS take on current issues thing - Which I think is a wonderful idea, this issue really shone for doing that.
And an interesting note in the advert for the next issue; Trek comics veteran Gordon Purcell will be doing the art for that issue, cool!
Just one complaint really: No titles again! dear dear dear.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Diamond Select Toys have announced a new exclusive figure for sale from New Force Comics and Suncoast/F.Y.E. It's a season one Riker figure in his bridge chair (to join to Picard figure in chair, I wonder if they'll do Troi as well...)

Tuesday, 4 September 2007
All Change for Alien Spotlights
In a recent press release by IDW on the forthcoming Alien Spotlight series a number of changes to the creative teams were announced:
-The Vulcan issue will now be written by James Patrick instead of Rick Remender
-The Orion issue will be written by the Tiptons rather than Dan Taylor, with art by Elena Cassagrande
-The Borg issue will be written by Andrew Steven Harris rather than Steve Niles with art by Sean Murphy
The release order has also be rearranged, monthly from this month the issues will be:
I asked about the changes on IDW's forums and the new editor Andrew Steven Harris got back with a generous reply (which you can read here) in which changes in the writers commitment were cited. Within that reply he implied a second series of Alien Spotlights is on the horizon with Dan Taylor pencilled in to write an issue.