Wednesday 13 February 2013

Trekkies, and other QMx goodies

QMx have just launched a new range of stylised Star Trek products, called Trekkies. According to the line will include:
...plushes, PVC figures and novelties designed to capture the fun side of the characters, ships and props made famous by Star Trek over the past several decades.
They're kicking it off with a series of three "Q-Pop" style figurines, of Kirk, Spock, and Uhura. Each of the 4.5 inch tall characters, designed by QMx's Mohammad Haque, comes with a whiteboard speech bubble, allowing you to include catch-phrases and quips of your choosing using the included Trekkies board-marker. The characters are designed to:
...embrace a more whimsical style reminiscent of Japanese chibi characters, but with a distinctly American flair.
Here are the three figurines:


This isn't the first time QMx have dabbled with a stylised Star Trek, a couple of years ago they were showing off a pretty neat animated-style nuTrek Kirk statue. Though I'm not sure that was ever actually released. QMx aren't the only ones either, with the caricatured style cropping all over Trek, including the QUOGs ranges, and the recently announced Star Trek Fighter Pods toys.

Beyond the new Trekkies range QMx are a busy in the world of Trek, having expanded their license last year from products based on the 2009 film, to now being able to produce items based on all the tv series and films. In addition to being one of the distributors of the TOS retro print range, they have so far added a few TNG products to their Star Trek range. Keep reading after the jump for a round up of the latest QMx releases:

Available now is the USS Enterprise-D pewter keychain:


Due imminently is the TNG commbadge, which was made using an original mold from the series, as described:
QMx crafted it using one of the only remaining sets of original molds, which were painstakingly restored in their artisan model shop. That restoration process enabled them to precisely replicate the prop’s shape and size. To perfect the colors, the design team studied an actual screen-used badge. And then QMx went where no badge-maker has gone before: rather than use painted resin, as was done on TNG, they rendered the replica props in gold- and silver-finished metal. Finally, to finish off the piece, QMx added short-field magnets – rather than a pin clasp – enabling fans to wear their badge without putting holes in their clothes.

They are also offering an artisan studio scale model of the Enterprise-D, similiar to their TOS refit, and nuTrek Enterprise models:

And later this year they are releasing a nuTrek Academy ring, which they actually announced a couple of years ago, but is finally coming out now, which sits nicely with the rings appearing in Into Darkness this year.

There may well be more on the way from QMx too, when they expanded their license they suggested they were working on ship replicas (both studio and mid-scale), prop replicas, cuddly toys, animation-style maquettes, jewellery, key chains, stickers, and lithographs. While added to that list the possibility of Star Trek iphone chargers, when detailing licensor plans a little while ago.

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