Thursday 29 August 2013

Comics bits: Madefire's Star Trek motion books launch, and more John Byrne photo-comics

The first Star Trek motion book from Madefire is now available, they're kicking things off with Star Trek ongoing #1, the first half of the retelling of Where No Man Has Gone Before.

This is the first Star Trek comic released as part of Madefire's partnership with IDW: They take the original comics and recompose them with moving elements, unfolding sequences of images, and sound effects. You can see a few sample pages, complete with Star Trek sound effects on DeviantART, or via Madefire's iTunes app.

In other comics news, it appears John Byrne is hopeful that his forthcoming photo-comic will justify a sequel, as he's already started playing around with ideas for another story in the format. Posting on his forum he revealed a couple of panels he's started putting together:
The story I have in mind takes place on an Earth colony, but I wanted to stretch a bit beyond merely recycling some of the matte shots and Los Angeles locales that doubled for other worlds on TOS. There will be some of that, sure, since that's part of the fun, but I also wanted a bit more.
Continuing to play around in my head with various bits and pieces for a couple of possible future Photonovels. One story I realized would require a scene that I knew did not actually exist, and would therefore have to be built. So, since this was a rather IMPORTANT scene, I thought maybe I should build it now, rather than get that far into the story and discover I couldn't put together the pieces I needed!

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