Monday 29 April 2013

Harrison drops a subtle massive hint about who he is in new Into Darkness clip

Paramount have released a third clip from Star Trek Into Darkness (see previous two here, and here). This time we are treated to a chat between Harrison and Kirk, while the former is in the Enterprise's brig:

I was rather hoping it wouldn't be the case, but unless we're being misdirected again, the number seventy-two has a significance that would seem to tell us something about Harrison's background.'s datafile on a certain ship will tell you what could be a massive spoiler.

PS. Find out everything you need to know about Star Trek Into Darkness and its tie-ins, on my Star Trek Into Darkness guide page.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A friend of mine is going to be furious, and I'm definitely not looking forward to hearing him rant about it. That said, I'm not a huge fan of a certain spoiler I've read, but it's not a big enough thing to make me any less excited for this movie.

If anything, it just adds to my disappointment that Hasbro isn't doing anything beyond Kre-O and TRU exclusive Figher Pods. I would definitely buy an action figure of Cumberbatch's character...

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