Thursday 2 June 2016

ThinkGeek's new TNG beach-wear

ThinkGeek have launched a new range of swim and beach wear inspired by costumes from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Continue below to check out all your summer uniform options:

For members of crew from all departments there is a TNG Starfleet uniform one piece swimsuit, complete with rank pips and embroidered combadge.

There is a little more coverage for the surprisingly modest Betazoids in the landing party, with this Deanna Troi jumpsuit inspired swim shirt, also featuring a combadge:

Or alternatively, apparently taking inspiration from Captain Picard's pyjamas (as seen in Devil's Due), there is the semi-sheer cover-up romper, which once again comes complete with built in combadge, plus details in command gold, including the waist draw-string ties.

The entire range is available from ThinkGeek now. Plus, should men on the crew want to join in the beach party, perhaps We Love Fine's TOS inspired Hawaiian shirt, also available from ThinkGeek, will suit:

Star Trek

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