Saturday 24 May 2014

Starships news from DST

DST recently announced they will be releasing the USS Excelsior NX-2000, a Search For Spock variant of their Excelsior model, with different details and sounds. They have now released their formal photo of the model (image via Toy News International), and retailers are starting to list it, with the release expected in October.

You can hear in sounds to be featured on the NX-2000 in a video I previously posted.

DST also recently posted a Star Trek Q and A, which included several answers denying potential candidates for the two new starship models they currently have in development. Ruled out this time were the Reliant Equinox, Promethus, Akira and any Klingon or Jem'Hadar ships. The Enterprise-C and Voyager were identified as ships with potential, but not one of the next two. While most promising there was simply "no comment" when asked about the Defiant and runabouts. A question was also asked about the Romulan warbird, with the answer focusing on the suggested size of the model in the question, rather than confirming or denying it as a possibility.


Brandon's Blog said...

"Ruled out this time were the Reliant Equinox, Promethus, Akira and any Klingon or Jem'Hadar ships" there goes A LOT of future interest in DST. I don't understand why they won't appeal to a larger demographic. What an arrogant company.

Warren said...

They could try making non-Enterprise ships. At least TRY. And then they could see what kind of interest there is. Instead, they simply assume upfront that there would be little interest in those other ships. What Star Trek fan (the ones who'd buy the ships in the first place) wouldn't want an Akira class model?

Enterprise-A, Enterprise-D, Enterprise-E, Klingon Bird of Prey... over and over and over and over, forever and ever. That's DST.

Unknown said...

I'd like them to continue making ships that sell and prosper than risk abstract projects to please a minority.

It is a niche market and the costs of turning out new models is likely to be pretty expensive. I don't think they're arrogant at all, just realistic.

Fox said...

They seem convinced that there's not enough demand for "niche" ships like the Akira. They also seem to think there's much more demand for merchandise tied to J.J. Abram's abommination than proper Trek, which baffles me.

Seems to me that if they need convincing, they ought to just do a Kickstarter for those ships.

Of course, then they'd be accountable to a realistic production schedule and wouldn't be able to just BS things for 5 years like they did with the Excelsior.

Shadowknight1 said...

@Fox First off, what is really the point of them doing an Akira? It would have, what, three sound effects? Maybe four? It really is a niche ship. Secondly, not everyone shares your opinion that JJ Abrams' Star Trek is an abomination. It has as much right to exist as any other Trek spin-off. IDIC my friend. And there IS demand for merchandise related to the Abrams films. I've seen at least one question about it with each Q&A they do, always with the same bizarre answer, that they can't get the rights to it. Personally, I can't understand why they would be denied the rights to do something that no one else is doing. If they were just allowed to do so, they would likely make the definitive JJ-Enterprise.

All that said, I am hoping that one of their next two ships will be the USS Defiant. I love the Defiant and want a good model for my shelf.

Martin said...

I really wish they would give us Voyager already. I know a lot of Trekkies have a problem with the series as a whole but common, that though little ship belongs in every Starship collection!

Unknown said...

DST would sell a hell of a lot more JJ ships than Akira models. If they announced one I'd put money down for sure. Unfortunately they will never please everyone. They are a business at the end of the day and have to make sound business decisions.

DST have said enough in the recent blogs to suggest that the Defiant and Voyager are pretty high on the priority list.

Still desperate from some TNG/DS9 props.

Chris said...

Forget DST, Aoshima made the definitive, affordable Enterprise-D. Give them the full license and every Trek fan will be happy. DST are making toys barely above kid level, with all their inauthentic light up gimmicks and sound effects. If you like them, more power to you, but I reserve my money for ships on par with Aoshima. Even Eaglemoss makes ships with better deta

Unknown said...

I agree. I'm waiting for QMX to release their collectors models but they seem to have gone dark. Anyone heard anything?

Jeyl said...

Looks like this newer model of the Excelsior seeks to rectify the "glowing nacelles" issue that has plagued both the Ent-B and "The Undiscovered Country" Excelsior. The warp engines look as though they won't light up at all.

Warren said...

Because of sabotage? ;)

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