Sunday 29 December 2013

Starships Collection: nuEnterprise, Klingon, and custom ship competition

A few bits of new from The Official Starships Collection, starting with a new look at the (still in development) nuTrek USS Enterprise:

The Collection's project manager, Ben Robinson, posted this image on the magazine's Facebook page, and in also doing so confirmed the nacelle caps will indeed be blue by the time the final look is sorted. He also noted that he hopes the third special issue (with another larger than usual model) will be the USS Vengeance; although this isn't 100% confirmed just yet. You can see more images of the Enterprise, in one of my previous reports.

The Facebook page also revealed some updated information in a reply to a question about Klingon ships. Apparently they have provisional placements for the D5 class as issue forty-six, the Raptor as forty-seven, and Negh'Var as fifty. These too are, at this stage, not set in stone.

In the realms of awesome, Star Trek Online have launched a competition in which you can win an Eaglemoss Starship with a custom printed name and registration. You'll be able to choose from the Constitution class refit, Galaxy class, NX class, and the Prometheus class - Interestingly, while the first three are all early issues, the Prometheus isn't even out until the middle of next year; I wonder if the winner might be able to get an early model? To win all you have to do is make a post on STO's article about the competition, by the middle of January.

Finally, Mark Rademaker has posted a new image of a ship I dream will be part of the collection some day, the USS Aventine. As if teasing that possibility, this latest rendering is pictured as if it were a model on a desk:

For a listing of all the ships in the Starships Collection, including links to all my previous previews and reviews, see my index page.


Anonymous said...

They need to move the registry on the nacelles forward a bit and get rid of it on the inside face;

I think they're missing the 'vent' on the inside face too

Fox said...

I, too, would love to see the Aventine.

A shame they seem to be fixated on the godawful NuTrek ships instead.

8of5 said...

Fixated seems a bit strong, this Enterprise will be the first ship in the series from nuTrek! And that's just a "special" issue, there's not a single nuTrek ship in the first 35 regular issues so far announced!

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