Saturday 14 December 2013

Latest Starships Collection previews

Entertainment Earth have added several new listings for issues of The Official Starships Collection, including these new images of the USS Dauntless (issue seventeen), and the Bajoran light-ship (issue eighteen):

They have also added a listing for the second "special issue" the nuUSS Enterprise, photos of which were revealed earlier this week. According to Entertainment Earth this will be released in April next year. If that follows the usual release pattern of the US being a couple of months behind the UK, then we should see the nuEnterprise in the UK in February.

For a listing of all the ships in the Starships Collection, including links to all my previous previews and reviews, see my index page


Fox said...

Really looking forward to the Dauntless.

But still a bit miffed they apparently don't give a flying **** about correcting the Defiant's paintjob, even though they've known about the error for months.

Cube said...
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Cube said...

The Dauntless looks nice.

What's wrong with the Defiant paint job? It looks fine to me.

Fox said...

The markings on the port nacelle are backwards.

Unknown said...

I stopped after the Ent D and refit. They're pretty poor quality. For shame.

Fox said...

If you think they're poor quality, you very obviously haven't seen any of the competition.

Unknown said...

I take your point relative to other models. Nobody has produced a quality small scale display model yet.

The Ent D has incorrectly sized shuttle bay doors, the defiant issues. Eaglemoss are making a huge deal about the accuracy yet turn out models with elementary errors.

I look forward to QMX releasing the collector ships. The artisan models are stunning but out of reach.

Unknown said...

Regarding the error on the Defiant, you have to understand that manufacturing works. By the time they posted the photos and fans pointed out the error the factory had most likely already finished producing the entire run of the Defiant. While that doesn't excuse them making the error in the first place (or if it was a factory error, not catching it) these things sometimes happen in mass production when you're trying to coordinate manufacturing with a factory thousands of miles away in China. I've worked in that industry and it's tough to iron out every detail.

8of5 said...

What Shawn said. And what Fox said. These models are some of the best representations of Star Trek ships we've ever had, and they're being churned out on a fortnightly basis. It's a shame when something isn't quite as perfect as it could have been, and the Defiant marking does seem glaringly obvious, but it's not like they put the nose on upside down and painted it pink...

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