Wednesday 5 June 2013

DST update: Select figures and Minimates

Diamond Select Toys have announced another new Toys'r'us exclusive product; coming soon will be the Kirk and Spock figures from the Star Trek Select range, offered at Toys'r'us with new bases which join up to make a little diorama. The bases come in place of the large pieces of scenery and mass of other accessories (including secondary characters) which come with the more widely distributed Select versions of the figures. Here are images of the packaging, and an an out of the box shot of both figures on the bases:

DST also posted some photos of the full feature Select figures in action, on their Facebook page. Check out a few highlights after the jump, as well as the latest images of the new Star Trek Minimates range:


You can see lots more photos of the Select figures on the DST Facebook page. Also posted on Facebook are these technical drawings of the Toys'r'us exclusive Minimates range, which give a detailed look at the features of each figure:





You can see similar images of the non-exclusive series in one of my previous reports. DST also posted some in-action shots of those Minimates, including images which show of the Khaaaaan face for Kirk, and metalic skull of the Borg Queen:

There are more of those on Facebook too. DST also released images of the packing of both series, as well as the Minimates USS Enterprises:


Finally, DST have also released their latest shipping date updates. Here are when they expect their next few Star Trek items:

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