Thursday 3 November 2011

Infinite Space uncertainty

The future of the Star Trek browser based game Infinite Space looks troubled, with news that the company developing it, Gameforge, has restructured following a merger with another company earlier this year. Said restructuring has already seen two games lost, and Infinite Space's future is in doubt unless a co-publisher can be found.

The Infinite Space website has been updated with a short statement about how this effects the game:
What that means for the game is that the plans for the Beta are currently on pause until further notice while we explore the options for a co-publishing partnership. For the time being, nothing will change. When we know for sure what the future holds for us, we will keep you informed.
I wonder if this explains why the weekly ship updates have stopped recently on the Infinite Space website. I certainly hope a co-publisher is found, as Infinite Space looked to be a much more laid-back approach to Trek gaming than Star Trek Online.

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