Wednesday 9 December 2015

Preview of the final issue in the nuTrek mirror universe comic arc

Out this week are two new Star Trek comics from IDW, both final issues in their respective story arcs, both featuring nuTrek interactions with alternate realities, and rather curiously both seeing a restoration of sorts of the planet Vulcan!

From the nuTrek ongoing series, we have the final issue in the mirror universe trilogy, Live Live. Written as ever by Mike Johnson, the story is illustrated by Tony Shasteen. There are two covers for this book, the main one by Shasteen, featuring a Khan as a religious icon, and the subscription cover by Dan Parent, which is part of IDW's wider Archie Comics cover collection, which see variants from multiple titles across their output this month.

Continue below for a five page preview of the issue, and look for a separate post with a preview of this week's other release, the final issue in the Green Lantern crossover.

You can continue reading this story by picking up a copy at your local comic book shop, or from online retails like these:, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, iTunes.

For a refresh of all the stories in the ongoing series, check out my reading list on my lists sub-site. And to keep track of all the latest Star Trek comic releases, hit the comics button on my 2015 and 2016 schedule pages.

1 comment:

ety3rd said...

I've enjoyed the Mirror issues, but there's a continuity error with IDW's own universe. In the "Khan" series, they established that he did, indeed, look like Ricardo Montalban and that his appearance was altered by Admiral Marcus. In the Mirror universe, it doesn't seem that there was any intervention with the Botany Bay, so Khan should still look like Montalban.

Minor quibble, but it bugged me.

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