Monday 27 January 2014

Christopher L. Bennett announces three new titles on the way

There's no end to books news in the last few days! The latest comes from Christopher L. Bennett, who has just announced on his blog that he is now signed up to bring us a Department of Temporal Investigations ebook, and two more Rise of the Federation novels!

The ebook, to be titled, The Collectors, will be coming first, expected late in 2014. This will be the third instalment in Bennett's DTI series, but the first in this shorter format. While the previous novels did a lot of joining up the dots of Star Trek time travel, this novella will be focused more on telling an original story using what Bennett has established in his books, as he described:’s a story I had a great deal of fun writing, delving deeper into two elements from Watching the Clock that I’ve been eager to explore in more depth: The Eridian Vault, where the DTI stores dangerous temporal artifacts (sort of a Warehouse 13 for time travel), and the mysterious Agent Jena Noi of the 31st-century Federation Temporal Agency.
Bennett expects his next Enterprise novel, the third in his Rise of the Federation series, to see publication in early 2015. This book, tentatively titled Uncertain Logic, will be linked to the next, which Bennett expects to follow in early 2016. He gave some details of these too:
The two books will each stand on their own but have a common story arc connecting them, with the latter story arising from the consequences of the former. (That’s why I got contracted for the two books together. I thought I’d have to talk my editor into that, but she was just, “Sure, I’ll start the paperwork.”) And both books will continue to flesh out ideas from Enterprise, reveal the origins of elements from The Original Series and beyond, and feature original worldbuilding and exploration as well.

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