Monday 2 July 2012

Cross Cult's new Typhon Pact covers

Cross Cult have started to release cover art for their versions of the Typhon Pact books. UnrealitySF's Jens Deffner (who regularly fills me one Cross Cult's activities) has pointed me to a post on the Facebook page which reveals the first four novels' cover will join up to form one larger image (to get an idea of that check out the tumblr version of this post). The first two have been released: Zero Sum Game, with the delightfully joined up title in German as Nullsummenspiel:

And Seize the Fire, which doesn't seem to have it's German name yet. At first I thought it might have a new image of the Titan; although at closer inspection it appears to be a reissue of one of the Titan images first seen in the Star Trek Magazine a few years ago (good for it to get a wider viewing I guess):

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