Sunday 12 July 2020

Lower Decks trailer gives us first proper look at the series, plus other screen-Trek updates.

With the series due to star just next month, CBS have finally released a trailer for the new animated comedy Star Trek series, Lower Decks. Steeped in TNG-era goodness, and an obvious love for all things Trek, with a generous dose of humour, it looks freaking fantastic. Check it out:

Along side this CBS have also release a new poster, which might be work a closer look, as it reveals multiple new ships, including on the right hand side what appears to be an absolutely ginormous alien vessel encountering a couple of Starfleet ships.

Continue below for a closer look at what the trailer had to offer. Plus some other screen-Trek updates.

So let's start with some love for our newest hero ship, the California class USS Cerritos. I really like this slightly oddly arranged ship; it looks especially great from the side, as in this first beauty shot:

And here's a peak inside from the MSD, including what look like a couplemof Argo type jeeps ready for action.

Here's the bridge, definitely a bit less glamour than some we've known before:

And some of the bridge crew:

A corridor, of course:

And sickbay. It looks like some sort of zombie infection is going to be the subject of one episode, with all the main characters, lower deck ensigns and bridge crew alike, on the run:

A new type of shuttlecraft also features quite prominently in the trailer. Note Ensign Boimler is in dress uniform here:

There's the promise of a lot of strange new worlds to come, with the ship charged with making second contact. Just like TAS before, animation will allow for some very exotic locations and aliens.

The main focus of the trailer at least seems to be the relationship between ensigns Mariner and Boimler; the former energetic and effusive, the latter more straight lacked. Their clashing personalities seem to be the core of many of the jokes.

A bit more of Mariner in action:

And the ever worried Boimler:

Alongside them we have the new Orion ensign, Tendi, who is very excited to join the crew:

This Tendi moment is an interesting one, fighting with Romulans, in undercover gear. Note the Romulans have censored eyes, surely some sort of gag.

And rounding out the main cast we have cybernetically enhanced Rutherford, putting his tech to good use while training to fight Borg here:

Here's more of the group at work:

This all looks super fun to me, I can't wait! Hopefully I won't have to, although it's a little disconcerting they still haven't announced international distribution yet! The series will of course by available on CBS All Access in the USA, and Bell Media channels in Canada.

A little more about the series will be previewed as part of the Star Trek Universe panels happening as part the virtual San Diego Comic Con (with the real world one of course cancelled this year). Available via the ComicCon YouTube channel on the 23rd of July will be a trio of back-to-back Trek panels, one each for Lower Decks, Discovery/Strange New Worlds, and Picard. No doubt these will include some announcements and previews, and specifically for Lower Decks they will be playing an "exclusive extended first look from the premiere episode". See the announcement for full details of the panel line-ups.

Also check out the funky new Star Trek Universe logo treatment that came with that announcement.

That's all from the small screen today. There have been lots of Picard behind the scenes discussions and featurettes released lately, so look for a separate round-up of those in a later post.

Which leaves just one titbit from the big screen to make note of: Den of Geek recently had a chat with Wrath of Khan producer Robert Sallin, who revealed he's been working on a concept for a new Star Trek movie, and been pushing it with Paramount:
I don’t have it completely written, but I have a lot of it written. I have a concept for another Star Trek feature that I’ve had discussions with Paramount about — at least on the phone. This one I guarantee you is unlike anything that has been done in Star Trek, and it will be part of the canon, but they (the studio) don’t want to talk about it until they see what Noah Hawley does.
About time the Star Trek movies got back into gear, Paramount have been jumping between multiple possible ideas for a while now, hopefully they pick up one or more of them soon!

To keep track of all the latest Trek TV news, have a look back through my TV tag. And for updates from each of the series, have a look back through my DiscoveryPicard, Lower Decks, and Strange New Worlds tags, for previews, behind the scenes, tie-in fiction, and other merchandise updates.

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