IDW have released their solicitations for October, which include two new Star Trek comics. Continue below for all the details of those, and other Star Trek comics updates.
Star Trek vs. Transformers #2
Written by John Barber and Mike Johnson, with art by Philip Murphy.
The Enterprise is burning, brought down by the united forces of the Klingons and Decepticons. Captain Kirk and Optimus Prime have a plan to strike back, but can they bring their scattered Starfleet crew and Autobots together before Megatron wipes them out? The no-holds-barred Saturday morning mash-up continues!Philip Murphy is also the A cover artist, and has released his cover, featuring Kirk transporting into or away from battling bots, via Twitter. IDW have released two other covers: The B cover, by Marcelo Ferreira (which oddly is also marked as the B cover in the art released), features a similar battle, but this time with a giant Spock looming over the scene. And there's a much friendly meeting on the Starfleet and Autobots, with Optimus Prime doing the Vulcan hand sign, on Derek Charm's cute retail incentive cover:
Philip Murphy has also posted several work in progress images from his interior artwork on the series on Twitter:
Meanwhile, also coming in October...
Terra Incognita #4
Written by Scott and David Tipton, with art by Angel Hernandez
On the heels of the blockbuster THROUGH THE MIRROR mini-series comes a brand-new NEXT GENERATION series, featuring untold tales of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D! Wesley Crusher finds himself in a situation outside his comfort zone and must rise to the challenge.IDW have released all four covers for this book, and three of them feature the pairing of Riker and Wesley Crusher! Those are the A cover by Tony Shasteen, the photo-montage B cover, and J.K. Woodward's retail incentive cover. The stand-out cover though comes from Elizabeth Beals, who continues her great run of retail incentive covers for this series with an awesome Dixon Hill piece!
IDW have also recently released the retail incentive covers for the forthcoming fourth and final issue of the mirror universe Discovery series, Succession. These are a striking duel-Burnham and USS Discovery cover by Nick Roche, and Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire's latest ships cover, featuring the USS Constellation:
Succession is also among the latest round of solicitations, the omnibus getting an advance notice for November release:
Succession omnibus
Written by Kirsten Beyer and Mike Johnson, with art by Angel Hernandez.
Tied directly to events from the second half of the hit CBS All Access series’ first season, featuring all your favorite characters… or, at least, versions of them.
Ten years before Kirk and Spock set off on their original five-year mission, the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery visited the infamous Mirror Universe and didn’t like what they found. Now journey deeper into the alternate reality, and uncover more about the Mirror versions of Michael, Saru, Ash, Paul, and Sylvia as they learn that “Succession” can be a truly dangerous concept. Collects the four-issue series and the 2018 Annual.
To keep track of all the latest Star Trek comic releases, hit the comics button on my 2018 schedule page. You can also find reading lists for several Star Trek comic series on my Trek Collective Lists site.

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