Friday 21 November 2014

Latest Starships Collection previews

Online retailers have added listings for several new issues of The Official Starships Collection. Due out in February and March in the UK, and April in the US, issues forty and forty-one will be the refit Excelsior class USS Enterprise-B, and the Klingon Raptor class. Covers have been released for both (although the designs often change between solicitation and publication), but only the Raptor class model has been previewed. (Sources: Entertainment Earth, Big Bad Toy Store, Man of Action Figures)

As well as the regular issues, the fourth special issue, the Klingon D4 class, has also been solicited. Alas the model for that has not been previewed either, but here's the description:
The latest special in the STAR TREK: THE OFFICIAL STARSHIPS COLLECTION is a dramatic update of one of the most iconic enemy vessels in the STAR TREK universe - a Klingon patrol ship, from 2013's hit movie STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS. Every detail of this oversized model has been reproduced with careful reference to the original CG model created by ILM. The accompanying magazine explores the design process and includes never-seen-before concept artwork and new interviews with the ship's creators.
Here's the stand-in cover, plus the final cover for the third special, the USS Vengeance, which has already found its way to UK subscribers:

Continue after the jump for more new preview images from other issues in the series:

Here are the latest preview images from The Collection's website, issues thirty-three and thirty-four, the Cardassian Hideki class, which is already out in the UK, and the Vulcan Surak class, which should arrive next week. Bother will be out in the US come the middle of January:

And here are higher resolution images of issues thirty-eight and thirty-nine, the Delta Flyer, and the amazingly detailed Romulan drone. These two will be out in January and February in the UK, and March in the US. Images via Forbidden Planet:

That's all the news, but I will of course take the opportunity to remind you about the Titan petition, which is now over forty-five percent of the way to the required five-thousand names that will get us a model of the USS Titan included in the collection. Have you signed up yet? Please continue to spread the word, I'm sure there are more than enough Titan fans to get this model made.

For a listing of all the ships in the Starships Collection, including links to all my previous previews and reviews, see my index page.

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