Wednesday 5 November 2014

Comic bits: New Visions previews and nuTrek covers

John Byrne regularly posts previews and work-in-progress from his New Visions photo-comic series on his forums, and the latest, which appears to be the cover for the sixth issue in the series, is one of the biggest teases yet. Behold, Resistance:

Byrne has apparently re-ordered his planned release order, to bring this issue forward in the run. He also posted an image of the sphere on its own.

This issue is due out in April, but Byrne and IDW are already looking much further ahead:
Chris Ryall and I have been discussing the possibility of some kind of Pike/Kirk/MovieKirk "crossover" for the Fiftieth Anniversary in 2016.
Byrne has even already started to play with images, working towards a possible cameo from his Frontier Doctor series:
I got to musing a bit, this evening, about the ways a possible Pike/Kirk/Movie Kirk story might unfold itself, and I wondered if I might go so far as to indulge myself in the third chapter with an appearance by one of MY characters, namely Theela, from LEONARD McCOY, FRONTIER DOCTOR.

That set me to pondering on who, of the actresses who have signed off on the use of their likenesses, I might recast as my Andorian girl. Almost immediately there sprang to mind Barbara Anderson, whose face had the right shape and fullness.
Hm! Gave her Theela's black eyes, and she looks even less like Mz Anderson!

A fun element, if I should decide to use Theela at some point, would be to establish her for those who did not read FRONTIER DOCTOR by doing a brief flashback to that series -- with photographs!!
I have not yet given much thought to the actual shape of this possible story -- will there be any physical meetings between the three captains? (Is that my title? "The Three Captains" to echo "The Three Doctors"?)

Upcoming -- I think it's the fourth issue -- is a "crossover" with Pike's crew and Kirk's, but only in the sense that something of common interest draws both into the story. Again, no actual meetings.
Continue after the jump for more Star Trek comics news:

A couple of bit of nuTrek cover news that is. Amazon has updated its listing for the ninth omnibus in the nuTrek ongoing series, The Q Gambit, which unsurprisingly reuses the cover from the first issue in the six-part story.

Following the The Q Gambit the nuTrek series will be having a bit of a relaunch, with the start of 5 Year Mission stories. January's Behemoth, Part 1, will be the start of that new phase in the series, and the artist, Cat Staggs, has now posted the cover art, sans titles, in her DeviantART gallery, for us to enjoy in its full glory:

It looks like Things From Another World are keen on this relaunch, as they're offering this issue at a 35% discount when pre-ordered - Which is just one offer I've highlighted recently on my new Star Trek bargain hunting Twitter, 8of5's Material Continuum.

For details of all the 2015 comics announced so far, and links to previous coverage, hit the "comics" button on my schedule page.

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1 comment:

Matt Gilbert said...

Fascinating. I wonder what 23rd Century Borg would look like?

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