Tuesday 27 September 2011

Blish's novelizations in Israel

I just posted my latest 8of5 Archive article, looking at Star Trek novels and comics published in Hebrew! Several publishers have put out TOS and TNG books over the years - Most reused American cover art, but a few new covers were also made, including Zmora Bitan Modan's bizarre art for the first Star Trek books published in Hebrew; James Blish's novelizations. They published four books, oddly books one, two, three and five. I love the futuristic space-glasses lady!:


You can read about all the other Hebrew Star Trek books over at the 8of5 Archive.


zriza said...

WOW !!! That's ancient history. These 4 books were published decades ago. Only few Star Trek books were transalated in Hebrew. Tnaks to them I discovered the huge world of Star Trek novels :)

8of5 said...

In 1979 as far as I can tell. It's lucky you can read English too; the selection of books available in Hebrew isn't great!

If you're particularly familiar with Hebrew Star Trek books my other article has a few information gaps. I'd be very appreciative of any help filling them :)

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