Monday 13 April 2009

IMAX D-A-C and Soundtrack!

The many varied variation of thinks coming out of the new movie are brought to us by the ever informative We have here, the poster (inverted from the normal poster golly!) for the IMAX release of the new film:

And the soundtrack, which has a track listing like this:

1. Star Trek (1:03)
2. Nailin’ the Kelvin (2:09)
3. Labor of Love (2:51)
4. Hella Bar Talk (1:55)
5. Enterprising Young Men (2:39)
6. Nero Sighted (3:23)
7. Nice To Meld You (3:13)
8. Run and Shoot Offense (2:04)
9. Does It Still McFly? (2:03)
10. Nero Death Experience (5:38)
11. Nero Fiddles, Narada Burns (2:34)
12. Back From Black (:59)
13. That New Car Smell (4:46)
14. To Boldly Go (:26)
15. End Credits (9:11)

And the offical artwork for D-A-C (which is pants compared to the promo sheet that's been floating around for a while now!)

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