Saturday 28 June 2008

Hints at the future...

Just a couple of little newsoids:

According to's recent feature on A Less Than Perfect Union, William Leisner has a new Star Trek prose project in the works.

And according to John Byrne on his own forums he has just secured yet another Star Trek project with IDW. Which gives forthcoming from Mr Byrne: The two-part Romulans: The Hollow Crown (and maybe more Romulan stories on top of that), a not-yet detailed five issue miniseries, another Assignment: Earth miniseries, and what he just got green-lit, another two-part story.

Meanwhile at the TrekBBS DarkHorizon posted the blurb from this month's diamond preview's catalogue for Graphic Image Technologies forthcoming DVD collection of all pre-IDW Star trek comics:

From Graphic Imaging Technologies! Star Trek: The Complete Collection includes all of the Star Trek comic books published from 1967 through present from publishers like Marvel, DC, Gold Key, Malibu, and Wildstorm (excluding 2007 IDW). That's nearly 40 years with over 550 issues plus annuals! Also included are over 1,400 Star Trek comic strips culled from various newspaper publications and sources. Scheduled to ship in September 2008. $49.99.

However, according to Mark Martinez of the Star Trek Comics Checklist, the solicitation was released before CBS finalised the details for the collection and unfortunately due to the confused issues about who owns the old newspaper comic strip they wont make it to the collection. Shame, but the rest will still be fantastic.

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