Saturday 27 July 2019

First starship model reveal from Picard is... a PC!

Cherry Tree, makers of Borg Cube PCs have teased a forthcoming Picard tie-in release, the first model ship so far seen from the series. Due to be exhibited at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention is the Star Trek: Picard Borg Cube ATX Limited Collectors Edition - Which one assumes is a new version of their larger Borg Cube PC model.

They've shared a couple of pictures of the finishing touches being put to what is now a familiar Borg Cube variation seen in the Picard trailer, giving us a slightly closer look at the new variant design -Is it battle damaged? Is that a baby Borg Cube about to pop out the corner? Is it a Star Trek Armada II style Fusion Cube? (Ok probably not the last one) Who knows! But hopefully we'll at least get a better look from all sides when it arrives at the convention.

Cherry Tree are also expanding their range of Borg themed T-shirts with a couple of new designs ready to take to the convention too. They're giving a very positive spin on the Borg with "Assimilation means you'll always have friends" and "Coexist":

To check out some other Borg Cube shaped things, see my Trek Collective List of Borg Cube models.

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