Wednesday 11 April 2018

Eaglemoss XL USS Enterprise-A and USS Defiant previews

Eaglemoss have released a host of new images of their next two XL sized models in The Official Starships Collection, the USS Enterprise-A, and USS Defiant. Continue below to check them out.

The USS Enterprise-A, the sixth release in the XL series, is due out in the next month or so, and Eaglemoss' Hero Collector blog has released several new images of the model:

There seems something a little off about the saucer/bridge model to me, but otherwise it looks like a deliciously well detailed model of one of the best designs in all Star Trek, as these detail images from the Eaglemoss shop show nicely:

The US XL subscription site listing for the ship has also been updated with a few new images, although they're rather low res:

And Eaglemoss have also released a video preview of the ship too!

After the Enterprise, the next ship in the series will be the USS Defiant, and the Hero Collector blog also released higher res images of that model:

For a listing of all the ships in the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, including links to all my previous previews and reviews, see my index page for the main series, and list for the Discovery series.


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