Saturday 28 April 2018

New Eaglemoss Discovery ships revealed

Eaglemoss have a booth at the Destination Star Trek Germany convention, and have on display several new items from Star Trek: Discovery - The Official Starships Collection, including a number of subscription bonus releases, and graphics giving us new looks at a number of Discovery ships. Continue below to check them all out.

We have our first look at the Klingon Bird of Prey model, which looks absolutely fantastic! The two images here come via Eaglemoss' Ben Robinson, and Twitter user Verzweigter:

Ben also posted an image of the Shepard class USS Kerala model, giving us a new look at the third issue model, just recently revealed in official photography.

On Twitter Ben also posted details of the subscription bonus items, which he had on hand, which include an ISS Shenzhou variant:

And dedication plaques for both the USS Shenzhou and USS Discovery (these are apparently not quite final):

In addition to these there will also be a figurine of the tardigrade, and scale chart poster, neither of which were shown yet.

What was on display were two large banners featuring the ships of Discovery; one for Starfleet ships, and one for Klingon. These give us the first good looks at several designs, and new angles on others. All the images below of the banners comes from Black Alert on Twitter, bar the USS Enterprise which again comes from Ben:

Black Alert were good enough to get close up shots of every ship. I've picked out the ones I think most interesting/revealing, but you can find all the others in several tweets, here, here, here, here, here, and here!

So of course the new-look USS Enterprise is of particular interest, with the top view revealing a somewhat excelsior-esque element connecting the bridge area to the impulse engines.

The USS Yeager is also pretty interesting to see from the side, with a rather atypical saucer arrangement.

The Klingon ships are handily labeled in both Klingon and English, and the more colourful ones really stand out to me - The dazzling blues of the Sech class (referred to by Starfleet on-screen as a D7 class), and the emerald green Jejha' class.

What I find really interesting seeing a lot of the new Klingon designs together with top-down views on the banner, is that a lot of them follow the same basic layout of two nacelles connected by a body at the rear and a long neck coming out from the middle - In other words, for all the discomfort some are finding in these new designs, a great many of them are very strongly on plan with the traditional Klingon starship look we know from the rest of the Trekverse.

Also on the Starfleet poster is the (upsidedown) Vulcan corvette, which I really hope Eaglemoss decide to do sooner rather than later, if only to break up (along with Barron Grimes' ship) the otherwise Starfleet and Klingon only club.

These posters show 21 different designs, and there are plenty of Starfleet and Klingon ships not on them that have already been announced as issues - Discovery season one alone could keep the monthly release schedule going for three or four years! And of course we're bound to see more ships in future seasons too, so who knows when we might see models of all of these. Some ships shown on similar posters when the original Starships Collection was announced have still to be produced, and we're five years and 120-odd ships into that collection!

In other Eaglemoss news, the Yeager class is the latest issue to find its was to the Eaglemoss online ship, giving us several new images of this most peculiar entry to the kitbash fleet:

For a listing of all the ships in the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, including links to all my previous previews and reviews, see my index page for the main series, and list for the Discovery series.


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1 comment:

mark bernero said...

USS Yeager (Cardenas Class) looks ugly from the side. The bridge section in the front of the saucer never looked right to me!

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