Sunday 15 May 2016

Legacy of Spock, part 3 preview

IDW's latest Star Trek comic release is issue fifty-seven of the nuTrek ongoing series, the penultimate chapter in the Legacy of Spock story. This time we get a pleasing flashback to the events of TNG's Unification, while continuing the story of the Spock and aftermath of Vulcan's destruction in the nuTrek timeline.

This book is available in three different covers: The regular cover, featuring Spock and Picard, is by Tony Shasteen (13th Dimension has an article looking at the creation of that cover). The subscription cover, which has Spock framed by two of Nero's crew, is by Angel Hernandez, with colours by J.L. Del Rio. A retail incentive cover, exclusive to Merrymac Games and Comics, and styled like an action figure blister pack, is by J.K. Woodward. Continue below to check them all out, plus a five page preview from the issue.

You can continue reading this story by picking up a copy at your local comic book shop, or from online retails like these:, Things From Another WorldForbidden PlanetiTunes.

You can find reading lists for several Star Trek comic series on my Trek Collective Lists site, including a full listing of issues in the nuTrek ongoing series. To keep track of all the latest Star Trek comic releases, hit the comics button on my 2016 schedule pages.

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