Monday 16 May 2016

Canadian Star Trek coins

The Royal Canadian Mint has announced a big new range of Star Trek coins, being released over the next several months, to of course help mark the 50th anniversary. Continue below to check out all the designs.

The most impressive of the range is the delightful Starfleet-delta shaped coin! It has an impressively ludicrous face value of $200 (Canadian of course), but because they've gone an minted it in solid gold it will set you back quite a bit more than that!

With a mintage of 1500, these most impressive of Trek coins will come in a bespoke set of packaging, and a wooden display box. It will be available from September.

Most of the rest of the coins are minted in silver, and feature snazzy colour printing, and consequently also do not reflect the face values of the joins. That includes the $20 USS Enterprise coin, which has been made available at the announcement of the collection (ie, right now).

The reverse of this, and all the the other plain old round coins is pretty much the same, featuring Queen Elizabeth II (indeed she appears on the delta shaped coin too).

The Enterprise coin has it's own spacey packaging, which within holds a little red display box. There will be 11,500 of these minted.

Three further $20 (face value) silver coins featuring scenes from episodes. This series is being release over three months, with City on the Edge of Forever coming in August, Mirror, Mirror in Septermber, and The Trouble with Tribbles in October.

The episode coins are also a mintage of 11,500, and come in the same little red display boxes, packaged in their own particular 50th anniversary outer box.
Another set of four coins focus on characters, each paired up with a bit of tech. This series has a face value of $10, but again have been cast in silver. Like the episode coins these are being release over several months, with Captain Kirk and the Enterprise out now, Scotty and his communicator coming in July, Uhura with her tricorder in August, and Spock finishing the series with his phaser in hand, in September.

This series will come in a nice set of illustrated boxes, which open up to display the coins within. And there will be slightly more of these available, with a mintage of 12,500.

The Enterprise appears on another silver coin, but this one, which is all metal with no added colour, is the only one in the series being sold at face value, £20 again.

The coin comes in a little display booklet, with a giant print version of itself on the cover. 300,000 of these are being minted, and it is available now too.

Finally the coin with the lowest face value in the series, is a little 25 cent coin, featuring many printed views of the Enterprise.

This coin has been issued in a set coupled with three of Canada Post's new Star Trek stamps.

1 comment:

Gojirasaurus said...

Looks like they forgot something....NOT.

Jeez. It's a glut.

I find it hilarious that the Queen's face would be on the other side of Evil Spock melding McCoy, though. They should have given her eyes a possessed look on that one. :D

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