Tuesday 4 December 2012

Star Trek Into Darkness around the world

Paramount has released information on the world wide releases of Star Trek Into Darkness; if you're especially keen to see it then you'll want to go to either Norway or Egypt, where it is set for release on the 15th of May, two days ahead of the US. Most of the rest of the world see it from the 16th or 17th, with a string of other releases extending months later for some countries. You're particularly unlucky if you live in Japan, where it isn't released until the 13th of September!

Here's a chart of all the dates (or see the website version for links to all the local official websites and Facebook pages):

Looking through the international sites gives some interesting incites into how Paramount will be marketing the film differently around the world. Some countries omit Star Trek from the title on the poster. For instance, the German version:

Several others rearrange the title to make Into Darkness the main title, with Star Trek as a subtitle. I quite enjoy seeing how titles are rendered in different languages, so if you share that particular interest, here's a little collection of linguistic variations on Star Trek Into Darkness:

Spanish (Spain)
Spanish (South America)

Which ever version of the official site you go to, you might notice the poster there has been animated with flames and falling debris - Fancy.

UPDATE: Those resourceful chaps over at TrekMovie.com found one I missed, the Russian poster, which apparently not only gives us the title in Russian characters, but in facts gives us a different title: Tje film will be known as Star Trek: Vengeance in Russia, which according to TrekMovie was one of the alternative titles considered for the film.

In other Into Darkness news, TrekMovie report there will be a online teaser trailer released this thursday (6th December), ahead of the previously announced full length cinema trailer, and the IMAX exclusive nine-minute preview, a week or so later.


Dan Gunther said...

I love Korean movie posters! The one for Into Darkness is just "Darkness" spelled out in hangeul characters, with the title in English below it.

Dwight Williams said...

So the typeface Horizon's had its glyph range expanded to include Cyrillic alphabet characters? Finally?

Who do I buy the license for the updated version from? MyFonts? Fontshop? Adobe?

Dwight Williams said...

(I tried to get at the official Russian-language site, too. Seems to be blocked off for reasons as yet unclear.)

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