Wednesday 26 December 2012

Chronicle Books teach us How to Speak Klingon

The latest edition to the Star Trek "non-fiction" line-up for 2013 will be latest in a long line of Klingon language guides, with Chronicles books (who previously brought us the Star Trek book/audio-game Obsessed with Star Trek) following on from the likes of the Klingon Dictionary, Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, and Learn Klingon, with their new, How to Speak Klingon.

Following in the same vein from Chronicle's similar books How to Speak Wookie, and How to Speak Zombie, this twelve page book will feature comical illustrations along side a built in audio device, to help readers learn some Klingon phrases. Here are the cover and blurb:

Master the harsh, guttural language of Klingon with this indispensable audio phrasebook. This amusing and enlightening primer on ill-tempered and proud Klingon culture uses a built-in sound module to teach readers an array of crucial compliments ("You bludgeon divinely."), toasts ("Today is a good day to die"), and insults ("Your mother has a smooth forehead") as well as phrases used commonly in intergalactic travel ("Passport? My fist is my passport!"), theatergoing ("Two for Romulan and Juliet"), and more. Illustrated scenarios set the scene and offer additional useful phrases, making How to Speak Klingon an essential guide for any Star Trek® fan.

The book is written by Ben Grossblatt, who has authored several other light hearted books for Chronicle and others, and who's previous linguistic exploits include creating the Sith language for the Book of the Sith (in the same line of deluxe books that has recently spawned Federation: The First 150 Years).

Illustrations come from Alex Fine, who's artwork can normally be found illustrating articles in a wide range of magazines. You can see some on his website and blog. There's also an example of his work from How to Speak Klingon, from the Chronicle Books catalogue, coupled with some examples of Klingon phrases:

How to Speak Klingon is due out in April, just in time for you to brush up on your Klingon before they return to the screen in Star Trek Into Darkness!

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