Sunday 3 October 2021

Science Division's interactive tribbles now available in silver and giant variants

A couple of years ago Science Division created the best tribble toy to date, with their app-enabled interactive tribbles which can sense when they are being played with and react with a soft purr, or be trained to guard your objects and shriek at any pesky Klingons. Their initial breed of tribble were all brown, but now they're back with two new members of their tribble family. Available to pre-order now, are their new silver tribble, or giant silver tribble! Here's the full tribble family, and continue below for more info:

The new silver tribbles pre-orders are expected to ship by December/January. They have all the features of the original brown tribble, including multiple modes which can be set manually, or via a smart device app. And they feature lovely soft fur - If you'd like to know more about them, check out my previous review.

The giant silver tribble is a limited edition of just 300.

The standard size tribble is already fairly big as toy tribbles go, so the giant one is truly giant. You can get a better sense of scale thanks to this amusing picture from Science Division of a Gorn about to use in place of a bolder attack.

Science Division is a lovely small husband and wife run company; fans who made something they love and shared it with the rest of us. If you'd like to know more about them, check out these couple of videos that tell their story:

If you're like to order the new silver tribbles, or the classic brown, you can do so directly from Science Division

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