Friday 26 August 2016

Book bits: DTI and Prey covers, and details of future books

Books news! Continue below for bumper update on the latest novels and novellas, including new covers, and details of new books.

First up, the latest cover to enter the wild is snazzy spacey cover for the latest book in Chrisopher L. Bennett's Department of Temporal Investigations series. The ebook novella Time Lock, is due next month.

Here's a reminder of the blurb:
The dedicated agents of the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations have their work cut out for them protecting the course of history from the dangers of time travel. But the galaxy is littered with artifacts that, in the wrong hands, could threaten reality. One of the DTI's most crucial jobs is to track down these objects and lock them safely away in the Federation’s most secret and secure facility. As it happens, Agent Gariff Lucsly and his supervisor, DTI director Laarin Andos, are charged with handling a mysterious space-time portal device discovered by Starfleet. But this device turns out to be a Trojan horse, linking to a pocket dimension and a dangerous group of raiders determined to steal some of the most powerful temporal artifacts ever known...

A little later in the year, December's novel is The Hall of Heroes, the final volume in John Jackson Miller's Prey trilogy. The very Klingon cover for that book has been released too:

The Klingon Empire stands on the precipice. In the wake of violence from the cult known as the Unsung, paranoia threatens to break Chancellor Martok’s regime. Klingons increasingly call for a stronger hand to take that Lord Korgh, master manipulator, is only too willing to offer.

But other forces are now in motion. Assisted by a wily agent, the Empire’s enemies secretly conspire to take full advantage of the situation. Aboard the USS Titan, Admiral William T. Riker realizes far more than the Federation’s alliance with the Klingons is in danger. With the Empire a wounded animal, it could either become an attacker—or a target.

Yet even as hostilities increase, Commander Worf returns to the USS Enterprise and Captain Jean-Luc Picard with a daring plan of his own. The preservation of both the Empire and the Federation alliance may hinge on an improbable savior leading a most unlikely force....

Doug Drexler created the covers for the whole trilogy, with nebulae from Ali Ries. He posted the artwork for all three, sans-titles, on Facebook:

There's no cover, or blurb, yet, but the release date for the new Strange New Worlds book has been announced. In ebook form it will arrive in October. No news on a print edition yet. The book will contain winning short stories from the writing contest run late last year. The story titles and names of the winners were announced a while ago, but there are no details on what the stories are about yet.

Looking further ahead, Dayton Ward will be returning to TNG early next year with Headlong Flight, which he described a follows in an interview with Some Kind of Star Trek:
This time, they find a rogue planet, with people on the surface who basically tell the Enterprise to go away for their own safety. Naturally, Picard sends people to investigate, and while that’s happening the entire planet disappears. And then things get really weird.

But that book is old news already as Ward has recently announced he is set to write another TNG novel! Tentatively set for release towards the end of 2017, Hearts and Minds will not only be continuing the voyages of the Enterprise-E, but also serve as the next book in his brilliant 20th century Earthly alien encounters series, which began with From History's Shadow, and continued recently with Elusive Salvation. Here's how he described the new book:
This will be another exploration story, with the Enterprise continuing its investigation of the Odyssean Pass, and a planet that--despite everything listed in official records--has apparently been visited before by people from Earth.

Naturally, this begs for some kind of twist for Picard and the gang, so....
Further new books news comes from David Mack, who recently spoke to Literary Treks about his latest novel, the middle book in the Legacies trilogy, Best Defense; a great in depth discussion into the book. After he also spoke a little about forthcoming projects, including Section 31: Control.
This book is a direct sequel to Section 31: Disavowed, and it picks up a lot of those story lines that have been long simmering and long running for Bashir and his lady-love Sarina Douglas. And it's going to sort of bring it all to ahead as they risk everything on a gamble to finally expose Section 31 and drag them into the light. So it's essentially going to be one of those books where you say, "well, I know the hero's going to succeed", and the question, not really succeed, it's how much is he going to loose to get him there? What's it going to cost him.

Also mentioned was his next Titan novel, Fortune of War, which is apparently built upon a dangling plot thread from an episode in TNG season three. He gave a loose summary:
The Titan and its explorer group get sent out to put a lid on a potential nightmare of a disaster. And it's going to be classic David Mack action romp, where you've got multiple factions coming at the problem from multiple directions, and everybody's fighting everybody, and everybody's trying to screw everybody else, and chaos ensues, and hijinks and laughs, and a good time is had by all.
And finally, back to the present, here is one more cover, for the audiobook edition of Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore's concluding book in the Legacies trilogy, Purgatory's Key. This version of the cover is an extended version of what you see on the print edition.


To keep track of all the latest releases, hit the books buttons on my 2016 and 2017 schedule pages. You can also find series reading lists and author bibliographies on my dedicated Star Trek lists site.

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