Saturday 21 February 2015

Starships Collection previews: Enterpirse-C, Negh'Var, Intrepid, D4, and more

Several models in the The Official Starships Collection have been previewed recently, plus there are hints of more to come. Continue below to check out all the latest from the series:

The latest issues to be officially solicited are the USS Enterprise-C, and Negh'Var class, issues forty-six and forty-seven, which will be arriving in the UK in June, with the rest of the world to follow. The new listings for these on online retailers include new photos of the models:

A new image of issue forty-four, the Intrepid, has also been released by The Collection's Twitter:

While in an email update to subscribers, Eaglemoss have revealed the fourth special issue in the series, the D4 class Bird of Prey, will be released at the beginning of April. The email also gives u the first look at the cover of the magazine, and one of the interior spreads:

Meanwhile there are several hints at models to come, thanks to Douglas E Graves, who shared his latest model on Facebook, when Doug Drexler shared these images of the Romulan shuttle, he mentioned it is destined for use in the Eaglemoss collection. Graves also noted he will be producing models of the Romulan Bird of Prey, Deep Space Station K-7, and the TAS cargo drone. He didn't state these are for use in The Collection, but they are all models that have been hinted at previously... While mulling over those prospects, do check out Graves' full gallery on Facebook for more views of the Romulan shuttle.

Finally, another lucky competition winner has received their customised ship, and shared images of it on Facebook. Like the other winner I mentioned in my last update on the series, Deshka Darkstorm‎ was also sent a prototype of another model in The Collection, this time the ablative armor Voyager.

For a listing of all the ships in the Starships Collection, including links to all my previous previews and reviews, see my index page.

Also, don't forget, if you're a fan of the USS Titan, and want to see that Luna class ship included in The Collection, make sure you sign up to the petition. Once we get five-thousand people who pledge to pre-order Eaglemoss will be able to make one! We're well over 60% of the way there now!

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Fox said...

Looks like the ablative Voyager is to-scale with the original voyager model. That's nice. I don't really care for the nutrek designs, but ngh'var and the C look gorgeous. Especially the latter (love all those window details).

One thing, though: shouldn't the neghvar's wings be sloped down? I thought only the AGT version ad straight wings.

Anonymous said...

Beware of Horton

Unknown said...

I always liked the Design for the Intrepid. It really looks oldschool somehow.

I hope they will do the other Earthship from ST Enterprise as well (the triangular one).

HerbieZ said...

Not big on the Negh'Var it looks almost cell shaded.

Unknown said...

Negh`Var looks pretty bad in that picture, distinct lack of detail,flat colours. I've been a real fan of the collection and I'll always give credit when its due. Hopefully the actual model will be better.

Fox said...

The problem with the Negh'Var is lighting. The metal components typically have very flat details and a very "matte" look to them. Couple that with the high-contrast color scheme, and you end up with a model that looks more like a toy.

I don't know why they chose to make the colors so bright. Especially that red. On-screen, the Negh'Var (like the Vor'Cha) always looked very subdued palette-wise.

nwg said...

The colours on all these promo pics that come out are way too much. The models are usually much better.

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