Sunday 28 October 2012

Return of Rademaker!

Friend of the site, and master starship designer, Mark Rademaker has been a little quiet these past few months, but he's returned with a fleet full of new ships in his latest blog post - He continues to develop his designs for the Full Circle fleet, and let slip he is continuing to work as a sort of consultant for Kirsten Beyer for her next Voyager book (so hopefully that will be appearing on the 2013 novel list soon!).

UPDATE: Another friend of the site, Unreality SF's Jens Defner, has pointed me to a TrekBBS post where Beyer confirms she is working on another novel, but that she doesn't expect it to appear on our shelves until early 2014!

Beyer's most recent Voyager book, The Eternal Tide, included a saucer separation for Voyager, which has led Mark to rethink his Voyager refit somewhat, her is the latest iteration:

Meanwhile his sleek Vulcan/Andorian hybrid design for the USS Demeter continues to come along nicely:

The USS Curie variant of the Merian class is also looking pretty sharp:

Mark is also working on a prototype variation of perhaps his most prominent design so far, the Vesta class. The ship is also set for release in Star Trek Online soon, and STO's Thomas Marrone recently posted a new Starfleet development patch for the class on his blog:

Make your way to Mark's blog to find out more about his designs recently appearing in the Hive comic, plus his work on several non-Star Trek projects; including concepts for the first real warp ship!


Jens said...

The next Voyager novel probably won't be out before early 2014 according to Kirsten Beyer on TrekBBS roughly a month ago:

8of5 said...

Ah-ha, thank you, I will amend the article momentarily. How will we manage to wait that long?!

SFC said...

New ships here!

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