-TOS: Inception, by S.D. Perry and Britta Dennison
-NF: Treason, by Peter David (mass market paperback reprint)
-Seven Deadly Sins, edited by Margaret Clark (new trade paperback)
-TOS: Unspoken Truth, by Margaret Wander Bonanno
-STO: The Needs of the Many, by Michael A. Martin
-TOS: The Children of Kings, by David Stern
-COE: Out of the Cocoon, edited by Keith R.A. DeCandido (trade paperback omnibus)
-COE: What's Past, edited by Keith R.A. DeCandido (trade paperback omnibus)
-Star Trek, by Alan Dean Foster (mass market paperback reprint)
-TNG: Nightshade, by Laurell K. Hamilton (mass market reprint)
-Titan: Typhon Pact #1: Seize the Fire, by Michael A. Martin
-Aventine: Typhon Pact #2: Zero Sum Game, by David Mack
-Myriad Universes: Shattered Light (new trade paperback)
-DS9: Typhon Pact #3: The Rough Beasts of Empire, by Michael A. Martin*
-TNG: Typhon Pact #4: Paths of Disharmony, by Dayton Ward
I think the authorship for The Rough Beasts of Empire must be a typo, as David R. George
The other thing of note here is the random 90s TNG book reprint. But not so random it turns out, Laurell K. Hamilton is apparently a popular fantasy writer now, so it seems Pocket are banking on her name to sell this.
Also confirmed is that we wont get a new New Frontier novel this year as previously indicated.
In addition to the basic schedule we also have some new covers and info:
Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many, will apparently "be told as a series of personal narratives of tales leading up to the setting for the Star Trek Online game, all tied together by Jake Sisko", and it's cover looks like this:

I think the authorship for Paths of Disharmony must be a typo, as David R. George III, who was previously announced as writing it, has already talked about it a fair bit.
I think you mean the authorship of The Rough Beasts of Empire here. :)
haha, oh dear, talk about ironic. Thanks for pointing that out!
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