Saturday 30 January 2010

Star Trek Online updates on the way already!

Star Trek Online is just about to start, but they're already annoucing the first round of (free) updates, including new "episodes" and other new content:

-Collateral Damage - Help save civilians caught in a battle between the Borg and Undine.
-Recovery - In this follow-up to Collateral Damage, Rescue colonists infected by the Borg virus and fight Undine determined to destroy them!
-State of Q - Q transports you back in time to do him a special favor.
-Infected - Investigate a federation station that Starfleet has lost contact with.
-The Cure - A planet has been completely taken over by the Borg. Fight them for control of the planet.
-Khitomer Accord - Travel back in time and uncover and participate in the events that led to the release of old Borg you encountered in the Tutorial Episode.
-Into the Hive - Track down a missing Starfleet captain and come face to face with the new Borg Queen.

Other bits:
-Klingon Fleet Actions - Form up with your closest friends and do battle in large engagements.
-A New Klingon Ship - You asked for it, we made it: A Tier 2 Klingon Battle Cruiser.
-Klingon Star Clusters - Seek out new life and civilizations ... and subjugate them! Additional PvE content for the Klingon faction.
-Federation vs. Federation PvP - Practice against your allies before engaging your enemies.
-New Ground Maps - We'll be adding a new Ground Assault PvP map, as well as a new ground Fleet Action.
-More IP Locations - Check out Rura Penthe and our whole solar system, from Mercury to Pluto.

Full details on the Star Trek Online website.

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