"With last summer’s blockbuster STAR TREK movie, JJ Abrams created a new vibrant, layered version of the Star Trek universe. After careful consideration, we decided to hold off on telling new stories while JJ and his team continue to develop his vision."
All four novels due to come out this summer are written and were in the editorial stages. Roberto Orci has already commented on TrekMovie that he had nothing to do with this change in policy, but the internet is already speculating on Pocket's, Paramount/CBS's, and Bad Robot's possible motivations and involvements.
Aside from wondering why exactly this has happened it also raises the question of what (if anything) will now fill a four month hole in the schedule at rather short notice. The Typhon Pact series is due to start after when these books were meant to appear, could that be brought forward? Perhaps slightly, to lessen the gap, but surely it wont be possible to rush them ahead enough to fill it completely. TrekBBS user DarkHorizon has already spotted there are three new trade paperbacks listed for summer release now on Simon and Schusters website; the final two SCE omnibuses, Out of the Cocoon and What's Past, and something titled "Starfleet Academy Untitled Paperback #1", which seems to be listed as a childrens’ book, leading to speculation it might be an omnibus of some of the old young adult Starfleet Academy series (UPDATE: That last one has now vanished!). However trade paperback relases are normally seperate from the regular monthly mass market paperback releases, so this not be releated at all.
At any rate we've lost four new novels, and there's no new stories coming out of the alternate reality for a long time to come. *sigh*
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