Sunday 24 December 2017

New Visions: The Hunger preview

Our this week was issue nineteen of IDW's and John Byrne's New Visions photocomic. The Hunger takes us on a bit of a roller coaster ride of a story, with the crew tackling an interplanetary threat in grand fashion. And it all starts with the Enterprise taking a typically TOS casual extravagant new mission, in this case "an exploratory mission into intergalactic space". You can check out the start of said mission in the preview pages below - Watch out for the cool breathing masks!

You can continue reading this story by picking up a copy at your local comic book shop, or from online retails like these: Amazon, Things From Another WorldiTunes.

You can find reading lists for several Star Trek comic series on my Trek Collective Lists site, including details of all the previous New Visions issues. To keep track of all the latest Star Trek comic releases, hit the comics button on my 2018 schedule page.

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