Thursday 5 April 2007

The Wrath of Kahn figures

In their latest E-Spectrum email Diamond Select Toys have announced their Wrath of Kahn collection of action figures will have more than 15 figures, of which only 9 have so far been announced.

The collection as known so far consists of:
-Admiral Kirk
-Admiral Kirk with blood stained uniform
-Kahn with "battle damage"
-Captain Terell
-Doctor McCoy

So six(+) more figures to go, got to be a Spock in there, and maybe a radiated dying variant? And of course Uhura and Savik are missing. So who else? The Marcus’s? Other variants, maybe Scotty in his engineering gear? We'll just have to wait and see... in the mean time, have fun speculating over at Art Asylum's forums.

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