Thursday 29 March 2007

Tholian Web remastered images has updated it's remastered comparison gallery with some images from "The Tholian Web", the images were first released about a week ago, these versions are larger widescreen ones.

The commentary with the comparisons explains some of the rational for the updates to the Tholian spinner design: "For the Remastered series, the Tholian ship has more structural detail, while retaining its basic shape." "The web spinners here appear sharper — almost like an arrowhead — giving them a slightly more malevolent look." More detail the better, but I'm really not convinced by the tapered point, the Tholian ships in Enterprise didn't do that and looked great, they could have updated the TOS design just the same.
Original Tholian designEnterprise Tholian design
Check out the comparisons at's remastered section.

Have a look at too, they have these images is shinney high resolution. Here.

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