Saturday 23 April 2016

The Star Trek Book preview

Due out in June from Dorling Kindersley is The Star Trek Book, an illustration and infographic packed guide to everything Star Trek, including all the prime series and the first two nuTrek movies.

The book follows the format of their Big Ideas Simply Explained series, which has entries covering everything from science to Shakespeare. The new Star Trek volume alters the the series title slightly, tweaking it to Strange New Worlds Boldly Explained. Here's DK's latest description:
Celebrate 50 years of one of the longest running and beloved sci-fi franchises with The Star Trek Book. This comprehensive guide to the series delves into the myriad worlds and different dimensions visited by the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

Discover the amazing science of Star Trek and how it has influenced real-world technology such as flip phones. Featuring informative and analytical text combined with exciting photography and infographics throughout, The Star Trek Book is broken down into main categories such as science and technology, Starfleet, allies and enemies, and more.

Perfect for fans of the various Star Trek TV series, including The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise, The Star Trek Book details everything you need to know about 50 years of excitement and adventure on the final frontier.
Amazon UK have released numerous preview spreads from the book, giving a nice idea of the format and the variety of subjects cover. Continue after the jump to have a look:

While, understandably, not as visually rich as DK's previous offering, Star Trek: The Visual Dictionary, I'm really looking forward to all the infographics in this one. At more than three-hundred pages it should give a pretty thorough exploration of the Star Trek universe too.


mark bernero said...

I would prefer something much more visual like the Haynes guide to the Enterprises and the many trek websites. I imagine most info is stuff that is already in books and magazines I already have. Fans new to Trek would find it more useful.

ety3rd said...

Agreed with Mark. It makes me wonder who the intended audience for this book is. From what I've seen and read about, there's not much of anything new and different in this book than in just about any other Trek reference book.

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