Saturday 1 September 2012

This Month: September 2012

This month is another busy one for Star Trek stuff, including five releases from IDW! Three of those are all new, including the unlucky thirteenth issue of the ongoing series, which is also the first one-shot from the series, The Redshirt's Tale. Also among those three is the first issue of the new Borg-centric Hive miniseries, which is only the seventh IDW Trek comic featuring the Enterprise-E! That same ship is also appearing in model form, with DST's latest re-issue being a newly repainted version of their Enterprise-E. Plus there's the English language release of Star Trek Catan, and The Eternal Tide, the latest in Kirsten Beyer's magnificent Voyager series.

Continue reading after the jump for links to all my previous coverage of the September releases:

The Eternal Tide
Star Trek (ongoing) #13: The Redshirt's Tale
Assimilation2 #5
Hive #1
Star Trek: Romulans Treasury Edition
Assimilation2, volume 1 omnibus
Star Trek Catan
USS Enterprise-E electronic starship
Picard and Borg retro cloth figures
Deep Space 9 model kit
USS Enterprise model kit lunchbox

Star Trek Daily 2013 Calendar
Captain's Log 2013 Engagement Calendar


Unknown said...

What's the date for the Ent-E?

8of5 said...

I'd go with, soonish. Forbidden Planet seem to think the 15th, Things From Another World have it down as the 29th of August, but are waiting for a new date as that has obviously passed... I wouldn't be surprised if it slipped into October or later, the toys seem to always be later than whatever date they suggest.

Unknown said...

Have you read Eternal Tide yet? What did you think?

8of5 said...

I have indeed, have been trying to make up my mind if I want to write a review, I don't think I could do so without spoiling the entire thing though. I enjoyed it, read it in a night. I wasn't happy with one particular development, not the big obvious one though, and was pleasantly surprised to find it full of Q, and a few other reappearances.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I have to say I thought that it was pretty perfect. Dm me on Twitter and let me know what your issue was, I'd love to know.

Maybe write a review for a few months down the road.

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