Thursday 24 September 2015

Perth Mint's Voyager coins

Perth Mint have released the latest pair of coins in their Star Trek captain and ship series, this forth set features Captain Janeway and the USS Voyager. Like all the other Perth Mint Star Trek coins, these have a face value of one Tuvalu dollar, with both designs featuring the head of Queen Elizabeth II on the reverse. They are however only available struck in silver, so will cost you a little more than a dollar if you desire them. Continue below to check out all the details of both coins and their singular and collective packaging.

As with other coins in the series, Captain Janeway herself is printed in full colour, with details of her ship in the background, this time featuring a particularly nice stylised version of Voyager. The coins when bought individually come in a round illuminated case, itself presented in a neat box illustrating the subject of the coin.

The Voyager coin depicts the ship with the colour-print background appearing to show the wreckage of a Borg Cube (The Collective should really learn to leave Voyager alone!). Each of the individual coins are a limited edition of five-thousand.

Both coins are also offered together, in the same transporter chamber-style display case other pairs in the series have been available in. One coin sits in the top, while the other is revealed when the chamber is opened. Again both are illuminated. There are one-and-a-half-thousand available in this format.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now these are coins that are sure to gain value if they are kept safely in storage. If I find any of these in an abandoned storage unit, I'm definitely going to keep them as an investment!

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