Wednesday 10 September 2014

Danilo's ships calendar

A couple of years ago Danilo started publishing Star Trek calendars for the UK market (which has had the unfortunate effect of making the US calendars from Universe Publishing trickier to get hold of on this side of the Atlantic). Danilo's offering has been a bit different every year, but they do have a recurring ships calendar.

How they present that calendar has changed year to year: For the 2013 calendar they used various images of nuTrek ships (a mixture of stills and concept art). In 2014 they gathered an assortment of vary familiar shots from the across the franchise, the regular promo shots of ships we've seen many times before. The 2015 calendar, which has just been released, changes direction once more, and this time it's very familiar. The calendar, now branded Ships of the Line, is an almost exact replica of the 2014 US Ships of the Line calendar, with one less image, as this version doesn't have a centerfold image.

There are a few alterations, while the images are the same, the formatting is different, with the titles placed differently, and in different fonts, and most notably the calendar being presented as a bar across the bottom of the entire page - Which as far as calendar functionality goes might actually be an improvement (personally I see Ships of the Line more like a Trek-art magazine though).

Previously Danilo have offered a second Star Trek calendar option - A TOS calendar for 2013, and Into Darkness for 2014. There are listings for a 2015 TNG calendar from them, although no images have surfaced, and retailer listings seem a bit empty - I have a feeling this might have been cancelled, or at the very least delayed for some reason.

Your Star Trek calendar options needn't be limited though, as there are four other 2015 calendars from US publisher Universe.

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