As previously announced D.C. Fontana will be writing a five part TOS: Year Four series, it will start in April with a sequel to The Enterprise Incident called The Enterprise Experiment and will be illustrated by Gordon Purcell.
Another Star Trek legend, Peter David will be bring us some new New Frontier adventures in a miniseries illustrated by Stephen Thompson.
Comics legend and Star Trek first timer in the forthcoming Romulan Alien Spotlight, John Byrne, will be returned with a whole miniseries written and drawn by himself.
And last, but far from least, IDW’s Tipton brothers will be continue after TNG: Intelligence Gathering with a Mirror Universe title to tie in with Pocket Books’ new anthology in the spring, which will be featuring mirror Pike!
Also in this issue of Star Trek Magazine you can find a little preview of Star trek: The Tour. Interviews with Zachery Quinto (new Spock) and John Cho (new Sulu). An article by Kevin Dilmore and Dayton Ward on Star Trek captains, including prose only ones. A behind the scenes look at the new game Star Trek: Conquest. An analysis, by David R. George III, of Kirk’s love life. And excerpt from Keith R.A. DeCandido’s forthcoming Klingon Empire: A Burning House, with an introduction by the author. And all the other usual features and news bits. Available now!
Thanks for the pimpin'!
-- Dayton
It's what I do :P
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