Saturday 20 December 2014

Gingerbread USS Enterprise

Set phasers to sweet! The Blackmarket Bakery have made Star Trek the center of their Christmas decorations, with an amazing gingerbread rendition of the USS Enterprise now on display in their California store.

With details in sugar and chocolate, the impressive recreation of the Enterprise fires a candy-cane phaser beam at the landscape below, which presumably also helps to support the otherwise gravity defying display! Check out a few more images after the jump:

There are even more images in the Blackmarket Bakery's Facebook album, and if you like science fiction gingerbread, you'll also want to check out some of their previous creations: An AT-AT Walker from Star Wars, and the Nautilus from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Thanks to Mark Martinez, whose retweet pointed me towards this!

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