Wednesday 3 April 2013

Happy Birthday Unreality SF

Regular readers will, I'm sure, be familiar with Unreality SF, as one of their contributors, Jens Deffner, regularly helps me out with information on the latest Star Trek releases in Germany, and I always give the site a mention by way of thanks.

For those of you that haven't clicked through yet, Unreality SF is full of reviews and features about sci-fi and fantasy tie-in fiction, with a particular devotion to Star Trek and Doctor Who. They also occasionally do some really great author interviews, which I've often referred to as the sources of the latest hints of future Trek books.

Unreality SF has just passed its fifth birthday, and to celebrate they're running a series of features highlighting to world of tie-in fiction, with articles from their current and past contributors (which include several Star Trek writers), as well pieces from guest contributors - Including me! I took the opportunity to celebrate the TNG relaunch novels, which after a bumpy start, I've come to cherish. I've written about the things I enjoy in the series (as well as the things I've not enjoyed), and how those things have changed my opinion, of not just the books set after the on-screen adventures, but the entire TNG series. You can read it, here. Keep your eyes on Unreality SF over the next week or so to see what the other contributors have written about.

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