This particular entry jumps off of the Borg advancements given to the Narada (as seen in Countdown), and how those upgrades seem to have now be installed on other ships. Read the full report, here.

Ambassador Spock's mysterious journey continues! As Spock makes his way toward Earth, he thinks back on another previously untold tale from his past, this time featuring James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy and the crew of the original U.S.S. Enterprise!Nero #2
From Star Trek writer/producers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman and the creative team behind the best-selling Star Trek: Countdown. The story of the villainous Nero continues as we learn how Nero spent the years between his battle with the Kelvin and his reunion with Spock! You don't want to miss this essential chapter in the rebirth of Star Trek!
War! From behind the scenes, the Klingons loose their unsuspecting puppets, the Romulans, against the forces of the Federation. But the Klingon Emperor is impatient with the slow pace of the conflict, and back on Romulus there are already some who begin to see through the Klingon schemes. The final arc in John Byrne's Romulans tales begins here!Archives #6: Alternate Universes
The treacherous but intriguing tales of Star Trek's Mirror Universe are presented in this collection of the 8-part Mirror Universe Saga! It will take all the guile and cunning Kirk, Spock and the crew of the Enterprise can muster if they hope to ward off the coming Empire invasion, and save themselves in the process!
There is a void in the alternate universe that demands to be filled. Iliana Ghemor, the Cardassian operative who years ago was altered in both body and mind to replace Kira Nerys, dreams of fulfilling a prophecy that will mark her as the one true Emissary of that other reality -- a messianic figure who could lead her followers into an era of renewed hope...or an age of deepening darkness.
Ghemor's claim to the mantle of the Emissary is by no means certain, however, as the inexorable pull of providence tugs also at other souls who are swept into the vortex of the Prophets, the remote and timeless beings who have set these strange events in motion.
But the stakes are higher than anyone imagines: for the outcome of this struggle for the fate of one universe will ripple across many others, and become the key to unlocking a future that will prove to be the greatest trial yet for the heroes of station Deep Space 9.