Thursday 12 July 2012

Hallmark previews 2013 keepsake range

Hallmark are showing off their 2012 Star Trek Keepsake ornaments at the San Diego Comic Con this week, but are also premiering their 2013 designs! They follow the same pattern as the previous three years by having a new Star Trek Legends figurine, Scotty this time; a multi-character scene, in this case Kirk vs the Gorn from Arena; and what has to be the highlight of this wave, a starship, which for 2013 will be the first ever model of the USS Kelvin! has posted images of all three:


You can see more of Hallmark's previous Star Trek offerings with the latest additions to my lists page; lists of Hallmark's starship and figurine ornaments.



Darth Duranium said...

Finally a legit 3D Kelvin! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Hallmark are showing off their 2012 Star Trek Keepsake ornaments at the San Diego Comic Con this week, but are also premiering their 2013 ...

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