Wednesday 17 July 2013

Klingon Mimobot coming to Comic Con

The new nuKlingon Mimobot is the latest addition to impressive array of Star Trek stuff available at this year's San Diego Comic Con. There will be just a thousand of the Klingons available, which is the first nuTrek and first non-Starfleet character so far in Mimco's Star Trek Mimobot range. Like all the Mimobots, the little Klingon comes pre-loaded with an assortment of themed wallpapers and icons, and is available in a variety of storage sizes. Here he is, with his helmet on and off, along with examples of the digital content:

You might recall I've posted about this little guy before, as he is also offered as an exclusive with pre-orders of Star Trek Into Darkness home video releases form Walmart in Canada. Mimco tell me the Walmart offering is part of the one-thousand limited edition, five-hundred of which are available to order directly from Mimco on their website.

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