Sunday 27 January 2019

Eaglemoss starships USS Shran first look, and other previews and updates:

Eaglemoss's latest round of solicitations got an advance preview this month, but now the full listings are out, along with much higher res images of what is a particularly appealing batch of new ships; so continue below to check out V'Ger, the Dominion Battleship, XL Akira class, and more.

But we'll start with the Discovery collection, as the next ship in this series, issue 11, the Magee class USS Sharan was missing from the earlier photos, so we can now see this model for the first time - I am to my surprise quite taken by this one; as a physical model it looks much nicer than it's digital counterpart!

In other news from the Discovery line, series manager Ben Robinson has confirmed on Twitter that the USS Haiwatha is in the works, and at the very least not ruled out the landing pods coming some time too:
Haiwatha definitely on the way - and all in one piece. Pods - nothing is impossible 😊 
We also have a new (albeit very similar to previously seen) image of issue 10, the Qoj class, via the Eaglemoss website for the series:

And finally from Discovery, recently uploaded is this 360 video of the USS Clarke, the just released ninth issue in the series:

Meanwhile from the rest of the Trekverse... The next special issue will be V'Ger, and this higher res image of that model reveals a rather fabulous paint-job on this model:

The XL model is the Akira class USS Thunderchild:

And then the next couple of regular issues previewed are the Dominion Battleship and Krenim Warship, issues 148 and 149 respectively:

For a listing of all the ships in the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, including links to all my previous previews and reviews, see my index page for the main series, and list for the Discovery series.


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